
Monday, July 9, 2012

Europe Post #13: The Heeresgeschichtliches Museum

See title.  Now you know why I can't remember German words.

Anyway, today we went to the Military History Museum.  Which was actually REALLY cool.  Lots of guns and uniforms and armor.  Very manly.  The building was originally a military garrison (mid 1800s).  I am unfortunately horrible at remembering history (it's not my favorite thing to learn about...), but I caught some facts about the 30 years' war, the Turks, Ottoman Empire, Hapsburgs, Nazis, and WW1 and WWII.

Other than that, classes are picking up, and everyone is still tired from this weekend's adventures.  We're staying VERY busy.

A few pictures.

The outside:

One of the world's first hot air balloons (French observation balloon).

Me shaking the hand of the big man.

The car that Archduke Ferdinand and his wife were shot and killed in.  Basically what sparked WWI.

The uniform Archduke Ferdinand was wearing when he was shot.  You can see the bullet hole near the top left button (facing the uniform). 

The WWI exhibit was actually closed (preparations for 100 year anniversary exhibit), but as a special treat the curator let all of us back to it.  We got to crank the lever that rotated this huge gun.

The gun show!  (this is a joke... btw)

An Austro-Hungarian submarine that was sunk in combat in 1918.

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