
Monday, July 9, 2012

Europe post #12: Weekend in Prague

This weekend our entire Auburn group (28 students + 2 professors) loaded up and headed to Prague. Prague is in the Czech Republic. Not Czechoslovakia. Or Slovakia. But the Czech was under the rule of the Austrian Hapsburg family for a long time, so a lot of what we've learned in Vienna overlapped with Czech.

Anyway, Prague was awesome. We spent a lot of time on guided tours (visiting a lot of churches, the Old Town, the Prague Castle and the surrounding gardens, their lookout tower (same elevation as the Eiffel tower thanks to the help of the hill mountain that it is sitting on), and the old Jewish ghetto.

A few thoughts:

Or hostel was not as nice as in Venice, and I am not a fan of community bathrooms. To the extent that I didn't take a shower the second night. gross? Maybe.

About 90% of Prague's Jewish population perished in the Holocaust. Although most of the buildings from the Jewish ghetto are not around anymore, the Synagogues have been converted to museums. Very few Jews now live in Prague. One has the names of thousands that died and an exhibit of artwork the children did in the ghetto. Very surreal.

I left my DSLR camera in Vienna for the weekend due to a 50% or greater chance of rain every day.  My point and shoot did fine, but I missed my nice camera.

I have accumulated a few new outfits for a couple of reasons.  1)  I have been very hot and needed some cooler outfits.  2)  Going to H&M is our hobby.  3)  I got some good deals.

Weekend recap:


Walking tour of the old town. After waking up at 5:30 am to go to the train station, everyone was exhausted after the walking tour. We went to a very authentic Czech restaurant and headed to the hostel for the night. At dinner I tried rabbit, chicken, "meat" dumplings, and duck.


Tour of the Prague castle and the surrounding gardens. The castle is above the rest of the city, so the views are very pretty. That afternoon we rented paddle boats and went out on the river. We got caught in a thunder storm, headed back to the hostel to chill, and then went to an AMAZING restaurant. That night a few of us just walked around the city.


Tour of the Jewish ghetto. For the afternoon we went to Prague's lookout tower. It was kind of far away from everything else, so we had to walk about an hour each way plus the time to walk the 400 steps to the top. But unlike the previous two days, the weather was perfect and the sky was clear.  Then we took the train back to Vienna.

Astronomical clock:

The Charles Bridge with the Prague Castle in the background:

Changing of the guard:

I can't decide what is more bizarre, the rain hat combined with backwards backpack or the crazy tour guide with the flower.

An unnamed dessert.  Basically some sort of semi-fried dough covered in cinnamon and sugar.

A vineyard:

Out on the paddleboat.

Just hanging out and taking pictures of myself:

From the Charles Bridge.

From the top of the Charles Bridge Tower:

Museum at the top of the Bridge Tower.

An old Jewish cemetary:

Hiking up toward the viewing tower:

Views from the viewing tower:

The tower:

John eating an unripe apple that may or may not have torn up his gut later...

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