The weekend of MLK, I had the privilege of going to the Smoky Mountain Bible Conference with my dear friends Mike and Katherine Motta and the sweet youth group at Shawmut FBC. It was a great weekend of catching up with old friends* (Mike and Katherine) and making lots of new ones (everyone else). All of the students just acted like I was their long lost buddy (or maybe it had something to do with ~12 hours on a 15-passenger van). The weekend was filled with lots of fun memories -- such as waking up in the middle of the night screaming (still have no idea why), watching one of the girls ride a mechanical bull, Mike, Katherine, and I being told to go to bed because we were out past curfew (by a chaperone from another church), I could go on and on. And lots of sweet ones too -- watching Christ work in the lives of the students and watching Mike lead.
I had to steal this picture from Katherine, but I have it printed out and taped on my wall as a constant reminder to pray for this wonderful group.
Okay now rewind to the night before we left. Another sweet friend,
Haley, and I were invited to the Motta's apartment for dinner. Now, this was no ordinary dinner... this was homemade pasta as only a Motta can make. I had these wonderful visions of carefully documenting the process, but since Mike insisted I get my hands dirty, I had to put down the camera after a short bit (because my hands were dirty -- tough logic, eh?).
the finished product... yummy |
And just as a warning- the homemade noodles expand in your stomach... so don't eat too too much... cause you would definitely want to.
* Mike and Katherine aren't old, I have just known them a long time.
I like your footnote. Keep those bad boys going.