
Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Christmas Bucket List -Debriefing

For better or for worse, I managed to accomplish almost everything on my bucket list.

1.  Go to the Alabama Theater

2.  See Skyfall, Argo, and The Hobbit
I never made it to Argo, but I did go see Les Miserables!

3.  Go hiking (Oak Mtn or Cheaha)
FAIL.  Didn't happen.  And I owe Macie Champion a hiking date.

4.  Bake cake and cookies

5.  Drive around and look at Christmas lights

6.  Go shopping and finish with a week to spare

December Saturdays at the Galleria - always a mistake

7.  Have a fire (weather pending)
The first scheduled fire got rained out, but we made it happen!

8.  Meet a friend for coffee
Starbucks with Ms. Tami!

9.  Eat at a "new" restaurant
I actually ate at two "new restaurants" (I know, I'm really getting crazy), Another Broken Egg Cafe and Over Easy.

10.  Go to a concert at Workplay
Drew Holcomb and the Neighbors

11.  Read 3 books
I read The Hobbit (J.R.R. Tolkien), Skipping Christmas (John Grisham), and Nikon D5100 (David Busch).

I read this thing cover to cover.

12.  Make the most of every opportunity.
Somewhat subjective, but I'm giving myself the benefit of the doubt.

1 comment:

  1. I feel like I'm the reason for the incompletion of your list...
